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Quick start

Currently, Nestipy uses Strawberry as its GraphQL ASGI. It's compatible with Guards, Interceptor and ExceptionFilter . Nestipy simplifies the syntax to operate more like NestJS does with GraphQL.


To use GraphQL wit Nestipy, we need to add GraphQlModule in root module AppModule.

from nestipy.common import Module
from nestipy.graphql import GraphqlModule, GraphqlOption


class AppModule:

So, CatsResolver will be like.

import asyncio
from typing import AsyncIterator, Annotated, Any

from nestipy.common import UseGuards, Request
from nestipy.graphql import Query, Resolver, Mutation
from nestipy.graphql import ResolveField
from nestipy.graphql.decorator import Subscription
from nestipy.graphql.strawberry import Info
from nestipy.graphql.strawberry import ObjectType
from nestipy.ioc import Arg, Req
from .user_guards import TestGuard, TestGuardMethod

class Test:
    test1: str
    test2: str

class UserResolver:

    def test_query(
            test: Annotated[str, Arg()],
            info: Annotated[Any, Info()],
            req: Annotated[Request, Req()]
    ) -> Test:
        print(test, req, info)
        return Test(test1="test1", test2="holla")

    def test_mutation(self) -> str:
        return 'Mutation'

    async def test_subscription(self, count: Annotated[int, Arg()] = 1000) -> AsyncIterator[int]:
        for i in range(count):
            yield i
            await asyncio.sleep(0.5)

    async def test2(self, root: Test) -> str:
        return 'test2 value ' + root.test1

For scalar, input, etc.. we can reef to Strawberry documentation and using alias from

from nestipy.graphql.strawberry import ObjectType, Input, Field, Interface, Scalar, SchemaDirective, etc



Or use its from Strawberry's definition.

from strawberry import type, input, interface, scalar, etc



Take a look here for an example.

Support us

Nestipy is a project released under the MIT license, meaning it's open source and freely available for use and modification. Its development thrives with the generous contributions of these fantastic individuals.