Nestipy use openapi_docs.v3 cloned from Blacksheep openapidocs.
It's available via from nestipy.openapi.openapi_docs.v3 import Parameter
Let's view how it works.
import dataclasses
from typing import Annotated
# from nestipy.openapi.openapi_docs.v3 import Parameter
from nestipy.common import Controller, Post, Get, Render
from nestipy.common import HttpException, HttpStatusMessages, HttpStatus
from nestipy.common import Request, Response
from nestipy.ioc import Req, Res, Body
from nestipy.openapi import ApiTags, ApiOkResponse, ApiNotFoundResponse, ApiCreatedResponse, ApiBearerAuth, ApiBody, ApiExclude
class TestBody:
test: str
class AppController:
@ApiExclude() # this will hide it in swagger ui.
async def test(self, req: Annotated[Request, Req()], res: Annotated[Response, Res()]):
return {'title': 'Hello'}
# return await res.render('index.html', {'title': 'Hello'})
# @ApiBody(TestBody, 'application/json')
@ApiBearerAuth() # Enable security bearer
async def post(self, res: Annotated[Response, Res()], body: Annotated[TestBody, Body()]):
raise HttpException(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, HttpStatusMessages.UNAUTHORIZED)
This is how configure swagger with Nestipy.
from nestipy.core.nestipy_factory import NestipyFactory
from nestipy.core.platform import FastApiApplication
from nestipy.openapi import DocumentBuilder, SwaggerModule
app = NestipyFactory[FastApiApplication].create(AppModule)
# setup swagger
document = DocumentBuilder().set_title('Example API').set_description('The API description').set_version(
SwaggerModule.setup('api', app, document)
Now, we can access localhost:8000/api to show swagger documentation.
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Nestipy is a project released under the MIT license, meaning it's open source and freely available for use and modification. Its development thrives with the generous contributions of these fantastic individuals.