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A module is a class annotated with a @Module() decorator. The @Module() decorator provides metadata that Nestipy makes use of to organize the application structure. For Nestipy, module works like NestJs module . It support re-exporting as same as NestJs. The @Module() decorator takes positionals properties that describe the module:

  • providers
  • controllers
  • exports
  • imports
  • is_global

This is how it look like.

from nestipy.common import Module

    providers=[],  # list of providers
    controllers=[],  # list of controllers,
    imports=[],  # list of imported modules
    exports=[],  # list of module or providers exported for module
    is_global=False  # define if module is global or note, 
class AppModule:

Dynamic modules

Following is an example of a dynamic module definition for a DatabaseModule:

from nestipy.common import Module
from nestipy.dynamic_module import DynamicModule

class DatabaseModule:
    def register(cls) -> DynamicModule:
        return DynamicModule(

If we want to use params from @Module() decorator in dynamic module, we must do like the following example.

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Annotated

from nestipy.dynamic_module import DynamicModule
from nestipy.ioc import Inject
from nestipy.metadata import Reflect, ModuleMetadata

from nestipy.common import Module, ModuleProviderDict, Injectable

class DatabaseOption:
    option: str = ''


class DatabaseService:
    option: Annotated[DatabaseOption, Inject(DATABASE_OPTION)]

class DatabaseModule:
    # this will be an instance of DatabaseOption 

    def register(cls, option: DatabaseOption) -> DynamicModule:
        return DynamicModule(
            providers=[ModuleProviderDict(token=DATABASE_OPTION, value=option)] + Reflect.get_metadata(
            controllers=[] + Reflect.get_metadata(cls, ModuleMetadata.Controllers, []),
            imports=[] + Reflect.get_metadata(cls, ModuleMetadata.Imports, []),
            exports=[] + Reflect.get_metadata(cls, ModuleMetadata.Exports, []),
            is_global=Reflect.get_metadata(cls, ModuleMetadata.Global, False)

To facilitate creating of Dynamic module, Nestipy provide ConfigurableModuleBuilder class rom nestipy.dynamic_module.

This is an example.

from dataclasses import dataclass
from nestipy.common import Module
from typing import Annotated
from nestipy.dynamic_module import ConfigurableModuleBuilder
from nestipy.ioc import Inject

class DatabaseOption:
    option: str = ''

ConfigurableModuleClass, DATABASE_MODULE_OPTION_TOKEN = ConfigurableModuleBuilder[DatabaseOption]().set_method(

class DatabaseModule(ConfigurableModuleClass):
    option: Annotated[DatabaseOption, Inject(DATABASE_MODULE_OPTION_TOKEN)]

For this, we will call DatabaseModule.for_root(option) or DatabaseModule.for_root_async(option_async) to register Module. The default method to call is register and register_async if it's not defined.

For a lifecycle hooks, we need to extends NestipyModule.

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Annotated
from nestipy.dynamic_module import ConfigurableModuleBuilder
from nestipy.dynamic_module import NestipyModule
from nestipy.ioc import Inject

class DatabaseOption:
    option: str = ''

ConfigurableModuleClass, DATABASE_MODULE_OPTION_TOKEN = ConfigurableModuleBuilder[DatabaseOption]().set_method(

class DatabaseModule(ConfigurableModuleClass, NestipyModule):
    option: Annotated[DatabaseOption, Inject(DATABASE_MODULE_OPTION_TOKEN)]

    async def on_startup(self):

    async def on_shutdown(self):

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Nestipy is a project released under the MIT license, meaning it's open source and freely available for use and modification. Its development thrives with the generous contributions of these fantastic individuals.